Having been fairly disrespectful of modern roses as garden plants thus far, I do embracetheir value as cut flowers. The Hybrid Tea roses we grow in our gardens tend to havebetter fragrance than their greenhouse counterparts and will occasionally producemore than one rose per stem, making them look more casual. Let me recommend afew English, Hybrid Tea, and Floribunda (cluster-flowered) roses for cutting:
‘Betty Prior’: (Floribunda) Single row of petals, bright pink.‘Chrysler Imperial’: (Hybrid Tea) Elegant big red flowers, handsome buds.
‘Double Delight’: (Hybrid Tea) Part of the delight in question is the fragrance.White flowers lightly or heavily tipped in red, red tints expanding as the floweropens.
‘Europeana’: (Floribunda) Neon red—screaming.
‘Fair Bianca’: (English) Fully double, fresh whipping cream color. Deep muskyfragrance.
‘Granada’: (Floribunda) The color of a tequila sunrise and full complex perfume.
‘New Dawn’: (Climber, Hybrid Tea) Silvered pink oval buds, produced in masses.
‘Prairie Moon’: (Hybrid Tea—Griffith Buck) Ultra winter hardy, fifty petals of buttercreamyellow.
‘Prospero’: (English) Fully double, dark purple flowers, strong fruity fragrance.Glory in a blossom.
‘Sheer Bliss’: (Hybrid Tea) Refined flower, cream touched by varying degrees ofpink, lovely fragrance. Exquisite buds.
‘Sunsprite’: (Floribunda) Ruffled, cheerful bright yellow flower, lemon notes in thescent.
‘The Pilgrim’: (English) Dense, fully double flower, strong but not strident yellow,good fragrance.
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